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This time of year is really hard on me (and many others, I’d imagine). I have S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and these short, dark days hit me hard every year. I’m a beast to live with despite my best efforts at exercise, time under the sun lamp, daily Vitamin D, plenty of sleep and healthy eating. I still just feel unhappy. This season has been particularly difficult with Ursa gone. JamesĀ is so patient and understanding and always finds ways to put a smile on my face as I move through the 2-3 weeks of adjustment and sadness and come out the other side (today’s I HEART U pancakes as a perfect example). I posted this exactly one year ago, and I think it’s an important reminder to myself and to anyone who carries a dark cloud from time to time, or who loves someone that does, that there is always an other side. Depression lies. And my girls are the best reminder of that.