Mom & Mommy

by Ashley Weeks Cart

This evening, while I cooked dinner, the girls entertained themselves in the playroom. I overheard Sunny suggesting to Courtland that they play “Family.”

Her: You can be Mommy and I can be Mom. We’re the mommies to Bitty Baby. Like Addison and Olivia have two mommies.*

Courtland, not really understanding a word, went along with the idea. They continued with their play, diapering baby, taking baby on vacation, rocking baby to sleep, forcing baby to eat a banana even though she didn’t like bananas because they’re “mushy.” As parents. As two moms.

And it was nothing short of awesome. Getting a glimpse at their flexible understanding of what it means to be a family. I am so thrilled for their generation. So very hopeful.

And here they are, later in the evening, “helping” bake cookies. Just because I needed an excuse to share these silly snaps.

Now back to basking in that hopey, changey feeling.




*Addison and Olivia are twins and classmates of Sunny’s.