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by Ashley Weeks Cart

naomiwolfYup. One more reason why diets and scales are ancient history chez Cart. I’ve never felt so liberated and happy and content in my own skin than when I kicked the scale to the curb. The number it reflected never adequately captured my overall wellness. It didn’t speak to my body’s level of fitness or the kinds of foods I was feeding it. In fact, often when I was dieting, I was my most unhealthy. A daily regime of diet soda to try to fill that gnawing hunger is by no means healthy. If you know you are feeding your body with nutritious, balanced meals and maintaining some regular semblance of exercise, then your body is at the weight it is supposed to be. You shouldn’t be trying to mold it into something it’s not. If you are truly living a balanced, healthy lifestyle, then there is no need for diets, or extreme exercise, or depravation. Your body is exactly as it should be. And no image in a magazine should ever make you think otherwise. No person should ever make you feel otherwise. I worry about this more than most things when I think about raising two girls. How do I teach them to love and embrace a healthy size for THEIR bodies? It has to start with me. I’m trying to teach by example. Imagine the cultural shift that would happen for women in this country if we all did just that? It shouldn’t be revolutionary, and yet…