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“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

Sunny: She slept on a chaise lounge from my childhood in Momar and Doda’s room during our Easter getaway. Such an easy going creature that loves her slumber.
Kaki: She slept at the foot of our bed while we were at my parents’ house for Easter. This is the scene that greeted us every morning. At 6am. Far far earlier than her usual schedule. 

More details about The 52 Project here. To view all the portraits in the series with explanations as to why I’ll be capturing the portraits in the early morning, visit here.

Our Puffin

We’re a bit discombobulated this week. After a 11pm arrival home from a fun albeit schedule-less weekend, we awoke Monday morning to an entirely new schedule/plan for the Cart family dependents. Kaki has started preschool. There are a number of reasons for this sudden switch, but I trust that ultimately this will be a wonderful transition for her. There were many tears… from both of us. For her, abandonment issues. For me, onslaught of time and such. It’ll take us a bit to figure out this new stage in our lives. I realized that my tears were mostly the result of bidding adieu to the early stages of parenting my babies. They are now both in school together, Sunny testing her muscle as the amazing big sister that she is, and Kaki playing and learning with other kids. It’s a big step and change, and boy did my maternal heart take a beating. Although, the fact that Courtland is a “puffin” helps take the edge off. Could they have chosen a more adorable animal for a group of toddling one year olds? I think not.

We all have to adapt and figure out our new roles. We’ll get there. These next two weeks may be a bit rocky. (My deleting 800 photos from our Easter weekend is the first true testament to that. More tears. Lots more tears. Fingers crossed that James and his computer-whiz bestie from childhood are able to restore my error. If not, posting will be extremely light this week as I lick my wounds and weep into my pillow.)

Here’s hoping for an onslaught of photos in the coming days…
