Jamescapes // 8

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Been a while… mostly because I’ve been so busy being awesome.  It has nothing to do with my incredible partner, Ashley, running around everywhere. Doing everything. Inspiring. Photographing births, birthing photographers.

The sun is melting, and outside smells like the earthy awesomeness (i.e. shit) that is almost spring. The snow is shallow enough I don’t mind putting on my boots and mucking through our neck of the woods with the camera. I must have been all inspired by my snookems* so was out there playing with composition lines and light….yep, I just said that. And now you’re reading a snooty-photography post.

*  if I were to ever call Ashley ‘Snookems’ she would, in this order: glare, eye roll, call me weird, remain silent for about 3 seconds, mock me under her breath, and then tell me she hated me. Ours is a love of the deepest level.

1. Snow melting


2. Just another Birch


3. My favorite – lines and light playing together like giddy school children! Or at least like angsty teenagers unified in their rebellion against parents…jScapes-4

4. Between a rock and a hard placejScapes-3

5. Lonely boulder and an echoing tree branchjScapes-2

6. Pretty awesome view in these parts.