
Have I mentioned that I’m obsessed with this baby? Yes? Well, I’m obsessed with this baby.

There. Emphasis.

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She is so stinking crazy. And so stinking cute. And oh sweet lord I adore her so very much. If you need further proof, see my Instagram feed.

This week I’ve been working away on a knitting project and plowing through all three seasons of Downton Abbey. Can I be the Dowager Duchess when I grow up? Wonderful! Thanks. I’ll have the final result of the knitting endeavor up on the blog next week.

I have an Easter DIY up my sleeves, a sewing project for March, plus another knitting project in the queue. This weekend I’ll be hosting this screening at our local independent cinema (if you’re in the area, please come!), attending a one year old birthday party, and maple sugaring. Here’s to a snowy, albeit busy, first weekend of spring. Sunny was quite frustrated on the first day of spring, after a morning spent discussing the day in school.

Mommy, how can it be spring when there is snow on the ground? It’s still winter if there is snow.

Welcome to New England, LA baby! Best get used to it as there will likely be snow on her birthday. In May.

Happy weekend, all.


Kaki’s outfit: Dress by Tea, Tights by Mini Boden (similar here), Hand knit sweater