


“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

Sunny: Starts the morning with a song. Whether renditions of her favorite Christmas songs or Taylor Swift, she sings on repeat before migrating to our bedroom for morning snuggles.
Kaki: She coos and babbles with the buoyant delight of a morning person. She is the sweetest, most mellow, and most endearing at the start of the day.

For details about this project, visit here. I’m aiming to capture these portraits at the start of the day. My children are about the only thing that make the morning at all tolerable for this Night Owl. I especially adore Sunday mornings, without the rush and demands of the work/school week, we lazily start the day as a family, piled in bed together, crusty eyed, bed headed, content to lounge in our pajamas before our grumbling bellies get the best of us. I also find my entire family the most beautiful at the start of the day – they are the purest version of themselves. Vulnerable and unencumbered.