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Outfit of the Day // 3

She didn’t lay this one out the night before, as she was exhausted from our Sunday trip to The Nutcracker, and typically on the weekends she refrains from planning ahead. Nonetheless, great layering and use of a sweater dress! Two very enthusiastic thumbs up, Sunny.

Decking the Halls

I ordered this West Elm wood tree on sale (alas! they are now sold out!) specifically for our collection of sterling silver Walker Christopher ornaments. They are gorgeous, but get lost in all the chaos and needles of the live Christmas tree, so I thought that this would give them the proper showcase they deserve. James’ Bermudian grandmother gifts one to each of us each Christmas. It’s such a lovely tradition and generous gift.

To add some pops of color, I made these mini-pom pom ornaments using this Pom-Pom Maker. And I blew out our first two blue eggs from Bunty, our Ameraucana hen, and gave them a little sparkle and some thread for hanging. I’ll add a few more eggs to the mix as they arrive in the nesting boxes, and voila! Decking the halls in silver and blue!

Teo Hat


I meant to share this project a month or more ago! I whipped up this baby hat for Kaki’s FGM’s daughter, Brie, in one sitting. It’s so silly and sweet. And the girl needed some purple in her wardrobe, as she too comes from an Eph-centric family. It’s a simple, quick, free pattern. One skein of cozy yarn and I was done. Here we have Kaki modeling her friend’s new hat.

Details about the project with a link to the pattern here

Case in point