Thanksgiving 2012

I am so so so thankful. Namely for these three faces. And so much more. It was a delicious and festive first Thanksgiving at Cartwheel Farm. Filled with plush chickens and turkeys, sausage stuffing, champagne and pomegranates, snuggles, cooking, dancing, feasting, and family.

1. Happy Turkey Day, complete with a photo of me and James on the first Thanksgiving we ever spent together back in 2007.
2. Noshing nibblies and lounging with Doda.
3.  The plush flock watches over the proceedings.
4. Story time.
5. Taking a break from cooking.
6. Note all the empty wine bottles. And the unopened ones to come.
7. Setting the table. Complete with kale flowers.
8. Kids’ table for the girls! With gobbling wild turkey stuffed animals.
9. This was the best photo of the bunch. My girls in plaid.
10.  And with their auntie.
11. Kimmy and Sunny hamming it up.
12. Ah, the Kids Table.
13. Surprisingly, they both sat contentedly for nearly 10 minutes before they demanded attention and monitoring.
14. We feasted. And it was good.