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Remember this lovely lady, Marisa? We became buddies during Blogshop, and her little niche of the Interwebs is quite a BIG thing, and so, yesterday, she became a published author. YOWEE! Her story is totally inspiring and awesome and, best of all, crafty. I’m not much of a sewer, but thanks to Marisa (and Kaki’s talented FGM), I’m going to dip my toes into the sewing waters before the year is out. It was one of my goals for 2012, remember? If you’re looking to learn some guerilla sewing tactics and, in Marisa’s words, ‘create fashion Dos from Thrift-Store Don’ts’ I would strongly recommend that you snag yourself a copy.

Congrats, Marisa!

That’s what Twitter said.

The only way I’ve been able to stomach the presidential debates is thanks to the wonder and cluster that is my (horrendously biased, liberal, hilarious) Twitter feed.

Here are the highlights from last night:

And this is one of my favorite exchanges from the night. I audibly gasped in disgust when Romney declared that women need more flexibility so they can get home to put dinner on the table for their children. Seriously? How about FAMILIES (i.e. women AND men) need more flexibility in the work place. And not just so us bitches can whip up a little something in the kitchen.