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Labor Day 2012

It was a weekend filled with red. And nature. And friends. And swimming. And fly fishing. And dancing. And drinking, much much too much. And good food. And tomatoes, both consumed and thrown. And dogs, so many dogs. And family. And memories. New and those rehashed. And bacon, copious amounts of bacon. And Red Army victories. And minty fresh grass. And a canine named Bristol NOT Crystal. And the love love love.

The moment that shined above all the rest came following one of Sunny’s afternoon naps. She announced, unprompted, “Mommy, did you know that my baby doll has two daddies. Like Steve and Justin. She’s so lucky.”

And oh my heart… my heart… and all that hopey, changey stuff.

1. Self explanatory. PROPERTY OF THE RED ARMY.
2. Old friends make new friends (with our girls).
3.  The love.
4. Sunny’s first track meet. Super Woman cape race!
5. Courtland enjoys the long jump pit. Mama enjoys her coffee.
6. Sunny Triumphant!
7. Lake swimming.
8. Lake sunning.
9. Harper!
10. SWOON!
11. High Falls. Harper splunking.
12. Family of cavemen
13. Stream side
14.  Fly fishing
15. Bacon cooking
16. Danger baby doing what she does best.
17. Looking up, four generations
18.  Declaration of War
19. Cart Wheel chandlier
20. Powdered dandruff?
21. Ready for battle?
22. Labor Day 2012

Our Red Man

Happy Birthday, Bebe. May you enjoy your final year as a 20-something as much as we enjoy you, every moment, of every day, times infinity.

xo Your Flock of Females