Cape Cod 2012 // Part 1

by Ashley Weeks Cart

We’ve gone to the circus, played in the hammock, showered outside, swam at the beach, built sandcastles, and successfully made the transition to life as beach bums.

As Kimmy once heard a parent say, “I don’t understand all these people taking their kids on ski vacations. I just want my kids to be good at the beach.”

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

1. Hungry Hungry Caterpillar matching, smocked dresses.
2. Kaki’s first trip to the circus. The Circus Smirkus.
3. Bitty Baby is ready for beach life, too.
4. Walking in the grass. Perfecting our drunken sailor swagger.
7. Our sugar donut.
8. Ready for the outside shower.
9. Less than thrilled about having to leave the beach. Our grumpy nudist.
10. Boom! Blueberry eyes! Red hair!
11. Daddy and Kaki hammock life.
12. Boogie board time.
13. Just two blonde babes on the beach. Working on their mermaid look.

Part 2 here