Throw Back

by Ashley Weeks Cart

A friend of ours from college sent us an email this weekend titled “Trip down memory lane.”

Included in the email was a link to a series of pictures he took of us at the beginning of our senior year.

Memory lane, indeed.

James asked Chris to shoot these images as his one year anniversary gift to me. That’s right, there we are, 21 years old, celebrating one year of coupledom.

Go ahead. Vomit in your mouth a little. It’s totally nauseating.

Chris also snapped our senior portraits. We experimented with our Blue Steel looks…

But ultimately decided that these photos more accurately captured our personalities…

I wish we didn’t waste so much of our younger years bemoaning every little flaw. I look at these photographs and think, “Daaaaamn! Looking good girl! So wrinkle free! So blemish free! So filled with that youthful glow!”

And yet at the time, I didn’t focus on any of those positives.

My mother’s right. Youth is completely wasted on the young.


At least I’m appreciating these pictures now.

Photos: Courtesy of Chris Lee