Sharing Anything

by Ashley Weeks Cart

This weekend was a small slice of heaven. A pause. A staycation in our little plot of Southern Vermont.

When I said that I felt this for so many of you out there, these two amazing people were among that declaration.

While we hadn’t properly caught up with either of them since a visit last summer, we didn’t miss a beat falling back into our routine of conversation and friendship.

It didn’t hurt that our incredible neighbors up the hill allowed us to take refuge from the heat in their breathtaking pool. Seriously, the view? Pinch me! I don’t think it gets much better than this.

We swam. We napped. We ate. We read. We rested with our eyes closed. We splashed. We laughed. We lounged. We ate some more. We drank. Bubbly water and dark n’stormies and wine and wine and wine and topped it all off with some celebratory Veuve Clicquot. It honestly doesn’t get much better than this.

Even if Kaki’s face says otherwise…

HEY! That’s better!

These are the days I’ll remember. Years from now, I’ll pause and call the feeling of the sun on my shoulders, the sound of my daughters laughter, the picture of the mountains speckled with green. That sense of contentment. Of satisfaction. Of gratitude.

Visitors push us to enjoy this place in ways that we often forget during daily life. They push us to play. To laugh. To experience. To appreciate.

And it is nothing short of magnificent.

Photos: Courtesy of James Whaley Cart (which explains why he is sorely missing from these shots)