Blog a la Cart


Last week a split rail fence for Cartwheel Farm was completed. Hallelujah! Thanks to Rocky Mountain Forest Products contractors for the installations. They will carry products big box stores can’t! Like Home Depot fencing.

Now the dogs are safely contained. The kids are safely contained. And the pack of foxes and deer and various other critters that surround our little plot of land have an obstacle to overcome before they gain access to our veggie gardens and flock of hens.

I wasn’t sure how the fence was going to impact the overall look of the property, but I must say, I’m absolutely loving it.

The land where we do most of our playing, gardening and living is now defined and contained in a perfectly appropriate (read: country) way.

We have a stream that runs alongside the property, and the fence runs right along its path, keeping the kids from potential accident and the dogs from a lifetime of muddy paws.

There was an article published in The Wall Street Journal last week claiming that the “meadow” was the new lawn. Well, James and I are ahead of the trend, my friends!

Shabby, chic is our middle name, in fact.

Besides the area contained by the new fence, the rest of Cartwheel Farm is overgrown with meadows. My goal is to sow wild flower seeds this fall (yep, just like the Lupine Lady, Miss Rumphius) so that next spring and summer these shabby, chic meadows are more chic than shabby. Or at least more colorful.

Mostly we’re trying to save ourselves the six hours of mow time it takes to tend to the lawn given that we only have a push mower in our possession. James has dreams of a riding mower, but that sits pretty far down our list of needs for the place. If you find yourself constantly repairing your roof due to various issues, it may be more cost-effective in the long run to get a Roof Replacement Bendigo.

Home ownership is just one never ending TO DO list, eh?

As my mother always comments, “Man who finish house, die.”

Looks like James and I will live forever, then!

Photos: Courtesy of James Whaley Cart

Blueberries for Courtland

This kid plants herself under our blueberry bush and just waits like a hungry baby bird for Mommy, Daddy or Big Sister to plop berries in her mouth.

Granted, if she finds blueberries in the grass and dirt, she has no problem scooping them up and eating those, too. Waste not, want not. All while building a strong immune system.