7 years

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Today, Ursa is seven years old.

My Solstice Baby.

My Ursa Major.

My Black Bear.

She may not see another birthday. But I will not focus on that. Not today. Today I will focus on what a resilient, strong, spirited, happy, inky stinky Black Beauty she is.

Once all her fur grows back in, it’ll be tough to tell that this dog ever lost a limb. She’s literally racing around as though she’s always navigated the world with three appendages.

This weekend she swam for the first time post-surgery. She beat a 3 year old black lab on a race to the tennis ball over and over again. The hurt leg slowed her down. Its absence has given her strength.

She’s a fighter, this one. And we will continue to provide her with tennis balls and popcorn and bodies of water until the day she shows us that she’s not up for the challenge.

Happy Birthday, Boo. May your day be filled with as much ball chasing, superman diving, butt scratching, carrot-eating fun as you can stomach.

I love you. I love you for teaching me how to navigate this world. For being a constant companion in my adult life. For loving unconditionally. And for teaching me to do the same. For teaching me how to become a mother. I love you.

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart