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Chickens: Day 5

Not everyone in our house rested this weekend.

For example, Courtland delighted in either A. Shrieking like that girl in Jurassic Park when she lays eyes on the T-Rex, except in Kaki’s case, with nary a dino in sight, B. Ascending the stairs at a startling, unwieldy, and horrifying pace, or C. Slamming and throwing and banging the steel dog bowls across the kitchen floor.

Life with our second born is anything but relaxing.

As James commented while watching her contemplate taking her first unassisted steps, “I’m terrified. I don’t remember being terrified right before Addison learned to walk.”

I could not have said it better myself. And no, she has not yet walked on her own. But she is close. Disturbingly close.

And then there are the 12 newest members of the family, who peep and scratch and poop and chirp and generally turn their cage into a hot mess in under an hour’s time…

It’s a good thing that the babies of the family are so ridiculously adorable.

It’s worth this head of grey hair and wrinkly forehead, right? RIGHT?!

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

Frozen Grapes

Yes, I’m writing about grapes. Of the frozen variety.

Frozen Grapes.

This may seem like a rather dull and obvious post to those of you that have been stashing grapes in arctic like vessels of your home, namely a freezer, for some time.

But for those of you, who once like myself, are unaware of the brilliant, delicious and dessert-like perfection of a frozen grape, I urge you, de-stem, wash, and promptly stick those grapes in the freezer. Now!

Your world will be revolutionized. Particularly if you are a woman who must suffer through the third trimester of her pregnancy in the heart of summer (THIS GUY!) or a preschooler with a raging fever (it hit a whooping 105! But all is well. Balance and 98.6 degree body cores have been restored to The Universe, namely chez Cart).

Frozen grapes and marathon episodes of Dora The Explorer are how we all survived this weekend. Our four Barred Rock chickens, Sunny’s favorite, are now aptly named Dora, Boots, Swiper and Diego.


During the sweaty summer months, frozen grapes, I dare say, are more refreshing and enjoyable than a popsicle or bowl of ice cream, and, it goes without saying, far healthier. And it truly couldn’t be a more simple endeavor.

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

The Napping House

Sunny awoke Saturday morning with a 103 degree fever. She even vomited a stomach full of raspberries all over the floor to really drive home the sick message.

So our weekend looked something like this.

I couldn’t help but recite the words to one of our family’s favorite books, The Napping House, as I took in the scene of sleeping dependents.

There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping…

What did you do this weekend?

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart


A pillow from the original Cartwheel Farm. Hand cross stitched by James’ great-grandmother.

Pretty nifty, eh? And appropriately festive given our upcoming Independence Day.