Cartwheel Farm


After we bought the house in Vermont, a colleague and friend offered up a name suggestion for the property.

“Cartwheel Farm,” she said.

“How perfect,” I thought. I could easily see my daughters cartwheeling through the grass of the new homestead, capturing the name just beautifully.

I returned home and floated the suggestion by James.

“You’re kidding! T (James’ grandfather) grew up on Cart Wheel Farm in New Jersey. I’ve told you that, right?”

Yet another sign.

A nod to the Cart history with a slight variation to the name to suit our family.

Then Sunny’s Fairy Godparents sent us this sign as a housewarming gift. And my heart exploded with joy. Something about that “est. 2012” made it very real.

While the rest of the house is a mix of messy piles and unpacked boxes, this sign now hangs prominently in the entryway to the house, greeting visitors as they arrive at Cartwheel Farm.

We’re so fortunate, it hurts. No literally, I can’t stop pinching myself.