WTF, Best Buy?

I’ve wanted to write a rant about this Super Bowl Best Buy ad ever since I first saw it over a fistful of pigs in a blanket and taco dip.

I never got around to doing some of the research I wanted to in order to write a post that said more than “Apparently only people with penises invent cool shit. Sad panda.”

Fortunately, Jezebel and Feministe picked up the slack. Feministe also called out the Teleflora ad, because well, duh, that shit was appalling. Logan Levkoff and I tweet ranted about it during the game.

But the Best Buy ad made my heart sink. And filled me with legitimate sadness. Particularly for my daughters. I would hope that they are growing up in a generation where their role models are more varied than just the white male standard- but a commercial like that makes me think otherwise.


As stated in the Jezebel article, there is a need for more female role models in tech, not just to inspire young girls but to encourage grown women to take risks in their careers.

Best Buy, tossing in a person with boobs at the end of the ad isn’t cutting it. Women do more than just sell the cool gadgets, ya know. Do your research, so Jezebel doesn’t have to.