Blog a la Cart


You would never know that these little people were capable of such mayhem.

And yet, now I’m laid out in bed with a stomach bug.

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

Week 27

I can’t even get into what has gone down in our household over the past 48 hours. Oh but I will. Lucky you! It involves every manner of bodily fluids. Complete with a urinating dog getting coated in a thick layer of preschooler vomit!

I’ll be amazed if our washing machine survives.

But on to Week 27, eh? As you can tell, it has become exceedingly difficult to photograph the girls because a certain half year old is trying to learn to crawl and thinks that it is positively the most awesome thing in the world to be on her tummy, pulling her big sister’s hair.

Sunny is less than pleased. Which just causes Kaki to raspberry and giggle with delight. Ah the joys of siblinghood.

Also, Addison has hit the magical 2 year 9 month milestone, which means that she is now qualified (according to Massachusetts law) for proper preschool. No more Toddler 2 classroom for her! If she ever stops vomiting, she’ll be able to mark this milestone by attending said proper preschool class.

Here’s hoping…

Courtland: 27 weeks
Addison: 33 monthsÂ