Meeting Elmo

by Ashley Weeks Cart

I mentioned that Sunny (and the whole Cart family) got the joy of meeting both Elmo and Elmo’s creator/puppeteer, Kevin Clash a few weeks back.

To say that it was a treat is an understatement. It would be like me saying that making out with Jake Gyllenhal was just okay.

Not that I’d know. Or ever want to know, James.

The coolest part of the experience was witnessing the absolute wonder that Elmo elicits from children, big and small. The adults were just as enthralled as the kids. And coolest of all? The children were completely unfazed by Kevin’s presence. Even though his hand was shoved up Elmo’s bum and his mouth was moving in sync with the furry red monster, they only saw Elmo. It didn’t take away from the magic of their experience in the least.

And for us parents, it was also profoundly moving. Both James and I found our eyes wet with tears watching the wonder and joy on Addison’s face as she conversed with her furry hero. It was inspiring, really. To see that childlike awe and be reminded that you once had that same capacity. And perhaps you still do.

That’s what our children teach us. They help us find that piece of ourselves once again.

Here are the proofs from the professional photographer’s images. We haven’t yet landed on our favorite, but I spy a Cart Christmas card in the making.

Photos: Courtesy of Tony Israel