Week 5

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Since we were away last week, this series is slightly behind. Here’s Week 5, and let me just say that it was a marvelous week indeed.

Courtland is now sleeping one stretch of the night in a 6 hour increment, then nursing, and promptly going back to sleep for another 3 hours.

We are developing some semblance of a schedule!

Now that I’ve said that, a fall cold or toddler nightmares are going to infiltrate our home and disrupt any benefits of said schedule. BLOGGING JINX!

The little one is beginning to emerge from the inner world of an infant to the outer world of a baby, and it means BABY SMILES! Oh they are killing us all dead with the cute.

It also means she’s more autonomous and can entertain herself by starring at patterns or simple toys. Watching her face is priceless. James’ gingham shirt was an absolute mind fuck the other day. You could tell just by the expression on her face. While it may appear as simple checks and squares to us, in the eyes of a 5 week old it was like being stoned and watching The Wizard of Oz. ENTHRALLING!

Being able to happily put her down for 10-15 minutes allows for more productive days for mommy and daddy. And so here’s the pictures, with the entire series of close-ups because they are just too precious not to share in full.

Courtland: 5 weeks
Addison: 28 months