Blog a la Cart

Month: August, 2011

The Sailor Man

This is why we’ve taken to calling her “Popeye.”


Addison & Courtland

This is probably only of interest to me and James and our adoring family. It’s six long minutes of Sunny holding her new sister. And we can’t get enough.

Daisy Chain Necklace

ANNOUNCEMENT: A select number of these bracelets are available for sale here.

During my master’s program, I interned for the Curatorial Department at the Massachusetts Museum of Modern Art. During that time, I helped research artists for a show titled, Material World. That is when Orly Genger and her insane rope, knot installations entered my life. The image below of the room filled with red, oversized rope is what was later installed at MASSMoCA for her piece of the show. Epic indeed.

In addition to being taken with her installation work, I became totally obsessed with her jewelry line with pal Jaclyn Mayer. Sadly, I am not in a financial position to purchase one of these artistic accessories, but I finally got my butt in gear and made myself a utility cord necklace inspired by her work.

I even had someone ask me if I was wearing an Orly Genger piece while rocking this necklace, so I call this DIY a success!

Utility cord (I purchased mine from REI)
Chain (I picked mine up at a local hardware store, literally in the chain section. I selected the one I liked best, which happened to be this over-sized, gold number)

To make this necklace I used three different kinds of utility cord (this 3mm utility cord in blue/green, this 3mm GLOW IN THE DARK (um, awesome) utility cord and this 2mm utility cord).

Honestly, the entire necklace is made using a basic Daisy Chain knot (something you may remember from your days as a kid at camp). Below is an excellent video tutorial to teach you this knot by Tying It All Together. Give it a gander and you’ll have the basic skill set for the necklace.

I began with one of the 3mm lines and attached the starting loop to one end of the metal chain. I then daisy chained for 20 or so loops and attached the line to the other end of the metal chain. I made sure that the necklace would fit over my head since I was not creating a clasp.

I then picked up the other 3mm line and attached it to the end of the starting 3mm line. I daisy chained back along the starting chain by inserting each loop of the 2nd line into one of the loops from the 1st line. Once I reached the end, I doubled-back, again, daisy chaining by inserting the loop of each knot into the loop of the former chain. You can layer and layer and layer the rows as much as you’d like. When you’re happy with your necklace, secure all line ends by burning with a flame.

Peruse some of Genger’s necklaces, and you’ll be inspired by the many ways that she combines rope and metal to create her pieces.

Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

Bright Eyes.

I’m soaking in the few moments we get each day when Courtland’s eyes are open and alert. Man, it’s the best.

The birth story is coming soon. Now that we’re settling into life at home, the first post-partum bowel movement is behind me and I’m no longer passing blood clots the size of golf balls, I’m feeling more equipped to sit down and write.

And to wipe those visuals from your mind, enjoy the four day old infant.

Loving Her Bitty Baby

One of our dear friends gifted Sunny with an American Girl Bitty Baby for her 2nd birthday.

That lucky dog!

It was the perfect gift, as we’ve been using baby (yeah, still no name for her) to help prep Sunny for life as a big sister.

Sunny is often less than gentle (as demonstrated in the second video below), but it’s very sweet to watch her rocking baby in the infant swing, or singing her lullabies, or covering her with a blanket and offering a bottle. Granted, she projects her own feelings about clothing onto Bitty Baby, so Bitty Baby does not wear hats, pants, shoes, etc. The baby is either naked or in her bathing suit. Much like Sunny.

To help win Addison’s favor, James and I gifted Sunny a stroller for Bitty Baby that was from Baby Sister Courtland. She’s had the stroller less than one day, and I think she’s put over 5 miles on that bad boy. It’s already navigated Target, Stop n’Shop and the entire Williams College Campus.

So far she is adjusting wonderfully to life as a big sister. She loves to hold her sister, and she gets very serious when doing so. She kisses her sweetly on the head and listens when we tell her to be very gentle with her. Just today, Addison woke up from nap saying, “Hanna and Ursa are sisters. Sunny and Kaki are sisters.”

And yes, she calls her Kaki. More to come on that front. For now, enjoy this video spread of Sunny and Bitty baby.

An Aside.

This morning, James walks into the bedroom to find Sunny, Courtland and me curled up on the bed together.

Him: Ah. My women. *said in a tone as chauvinistic and brash as possible*
Me: Really?
Him: How about, “My possessions.” *same tone as previous statement*
Me: You really find yourself hysterical, don’t you?
Him: One day you each will fetch a hefty price at market.

Some things don’t change. Like James’ ability to crack himself the F up and my subsequent eye rolling. I’m peeling my eyeballs from the ceiling now.



The Carts


Initial Impressions

She’s been on the outside for over one whole day and I feel more than comfortable making the following claims.

While I know 8 lbs is nothing shabby, Courtland feels so very petite and even more helpless than Sunny did when she was brand new. Accordingly, my protective mommy instincts are in overdrive. I just want to have her pressed against my chest all day so I can feel her breath and soak up all that infant sweetness.

Breastfeeding is hard. Even though I breastfed Addison successfully for nearly a year that has not made feeding Courtland any easier. We’re struggling. We’re frustrated. But dang it, we are going to figure it out. And in the meantime, I’ll fruitlessly curse biology for my soft boobs and short nipples, and for her compromised palette. Our little girl is tongue tied. We are going to see a pediatric dentist next week to get some whitening teeth solution and have her gum tendons lasered so that she can fully move her tongue. I can blame this particular issue on her daddy who had his tongue clipped at age 10.

The crazy, huge big toes she’s rocking? All her mama’s fault.

Fingers crossed it’ll be an easy-ish fix and will make latching a breeze in post-restricted tongue life.

Also on the physical front, this kid has the longest, most beautiful fingers and, more importantly, nail beds. Yes, you read correctly. I’m jealous of Courtland’s nail beds. It was one of my earliest observations and envies, in fact.

I like that James and I produce hairy babies. Highly adorable. And a conversation starter for sure. Much like with her sister, “That hair!” seems to be the first words out of everyone’s mouths when they first see her.

She is notably more particular and fussy than Sunny was as an infant. Not that I’m surprised as everyone warned that the next baby couldn’t possibly be as easy as her big sister. We’re trying to show her how awesome life is on the outside. Until she shares in that sentiment, we’ve armed the household with ear plugs. Girl can yell.

Her favorite waking hours are 2-6am. And she sleeps like the dead all day. James and I are taking notes on survival from the local raccoons. Except those critters don’t have other offspring that will demand attention and play during daylight.


Mostly, I didn’t believe my heart had room and yet it’s expanded in size ten-fold in less than 48 hours. From the labor to her delivery to the first moment I held her in my arms to the first time I watched her big sister hold her in her arms to seeing the man I fell in love with 8 years ago rock our daughters together in his arms, I’ve felt my chest balloon and learn a new capacity for and meaning of love.

Yes, I’m drunk off a cocktail known as postpartum hormones. How can you tell? However cheesy and cliche and annoying and hormone-fueled it may sound, I’ve never felt more filled with life. More grateful. And more at peace.

And that’s saying a lot given the padding in this mesh underwear and the fluid I’m managing on an hourly basis from myself and an 8 lb dependent. Peace wouldn’t normally be the first word that comes to mind.

Thank you, Courtland, for teaching your Mama more in one day than I could ever dream of teaching you in a lifetime.

But dang it, I’m sure going to try.

I love you.
