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Bright Eyes.

I’m soaking in the few moments we get each day when Courtland’s eyes are open and alert. Man, it’s the best.

The birth story is coming soon. Now that we’re settling into life at home, the first post-partum bowel movement is behind me and I’m no longer passing blood clots the size of golf balls, I’m feeling more equipped to sit down and write.

And to wipe those visuals from your mind, enjoy the four day old infant.

Loving Her Bitty Baby

One of our dear friends gifted Sunny with an American Girl Bitty Baby for her 2nd birthday.

That lucky dog!

It was the perfect gift, as we’ve been using baby (yeah, still no name for her) to help prep Sunny for life as a big sister.

Sunny is often less than gentle (as demonstrated in the second video below), but it’s very sweet to watch her rocking baby in the infant swing, or singing her lullabies, or covering her with a blanket and offering a bottle. Granted, she projects her own feelings about clothing onto Bitty Baby, so Bitty Baby does not wear hats, pants, shoes, etc. The baby is either naked or in her bathing suit. Much like Sunny.

To help win Addison’s favor, James and I gifted Sunny a stroller for Bitty Baby that was from Baby Sister Courtland. She’s had the stroller less than one day, and I think she’s put over 5 miles on that bad boy. It’s already navigated Target, Stop n’Shop and the entire Williams College Campus.

So far she is adjusting wonderfully to life as a big sister. She loves to hold her sister, and she gets very serious when doing so. She kisses her sweetly on the head and listens when we tell her to be very gentle with her. Just today, Addison woke up from nap saying, “Hanna and Ursa are sisters. Sunny and Kaki are sisters.”

And yes, she calls her Kaki. More to come on that front. For now, enjoy this video spread of Sunny and Bitty baby.

An Aside.

This morning, James walks into the bedroom to find Sunny, Courtland and me curled up on the bed together.

Him: Ah. My women. *said in a tone as chauvinistic and brash as possible*
Me: Really?
Him: How about, “My possessions.” *same tone as previous statement*
Me: You really find yourself hysterical, don’t you?
Him: One day you each will fetch a hefty price at market.

Some things don’t change. Like James’ ability to crack himself the F up and my subsequent eye rolling. I’m peeling my eyeballs from the ceiling now.