Month 8


Racerback Hemp Tank in White and Micro Modal Dance Cami in Currant by be present

As of today, I am officially “full term,” meaning 36 weeks pregnant and thus within the window for delivery of one healthy little girl. This also means that the Cart household is on Baby Watch 2011. Every pain within the vicinity of the abdominal area has me demanding that James grab his phone and pull up the Contraction Calculator App. We may or may not have counted down to a bowel movement earlier this week, as I mistook gas pains for the work of labor.

James will never get those minutes of his life back. He’s rather displeased.

I’ve nailed down a doula, and we’ve been working on my birth plan. Thank goodness it does not need to be as elaborate and heavy-handed as the one I used with Addison. Many of my wishes are routine procedure for the hospital where I’ll be delivering in Vermont. That was not the case in Beverly Hills, and I am so looking forward to being in a more supportive and understanding environment this go-round.

I’ve also been learning more about Leboyer and very much hope that The Sesame Seed will be born in water. This of course assumes access to a L&D room with a tub (of which there are many, but apparently people like to get busy in November, because there are an inordinate amount of women due with babies this August.) Looks like we may be duking it out for a tub room.

While every Braxton Hicks sends me spiraling into flashbacks of Sunny’s birth, I am trying to not let the fear of the pain get the best of me. Just tonight, James and I curled up with Addison on the couch and watched the photography montage of her birth. I am never not blown away watching that experience unfold before my eyes, and when the movie transitions to live video of the first words I ever spoke to her, I am reminded of exactly why all that work, and pain, and struggle is worth it.

Because to hold new life in your arms is nothing short of awesome.

And I get to do that again, very soon.


* Do you want to win the Racerback Hemp Tank that I’m wearing?!? Of course you do! Jump on over to Green Eyed Monster to enter!

**Photos: Courtesy of Kate Drew Miller Photography
As always, I cannot thank Kate enough for taking on this project with me. She rocks. Truly.

***Clothes: Courtesy of be present
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**** Click to see Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, Month 4, Month 5, Month 6, Month 7 and deats on my partnership with be present.