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It’s my busiest week at work.

I’m cranky.

And tired.

And well, yes, nearly 8 months pregnant a thank you very much, so horribly ornery. And needy. And demanding. And don’t you wish you were James?

My outer left thigh is numb and tingly. Like permanently being trapped asleep, which while not painful is terribly distracting and odd and makes things like sleep a challenge because I lie there convinced that I’m going to develop a blood clot and die in the middle of the night. So instead I tweet (re: whine) about my problems and consult Dr. Google which only makes the ability to slumber even more difficult.

This is all because the Sesame Seed is literally sitting on a nerve.

Which means I can’t stop cracking lame and pathetic jokes about how she’ll surely not be the only person on my nerves this week.


I know, I’m killing it.

Anyway, it’s going to continue to be quiet around these parts until this ridiculous period of work nonsense passes, we then celebrate a wedding by a river, in the woods, sleeping in cabins, and I return home with only 6 weeks left before I’m a Mama to two (assuming I survive sleeping in a cabin at 34 weeks maternity).

Holy F, where did the time go?

In the meantime, envision Sunny and me mean mugging. Because that’s what a 2-year old and 3rd trimester woman do best.



Looks like someone is growing out her bangs!


Homemade fruit popsicles on a hot summer day.

And our “babingsuit.”