
by Ashley Weeks Cart

The title should really be Thought(s).

1. I purchased a super versatile slash comfortable black jumper that I have worn everyday this week, and intend to wear tomorrow. It’s like a game. How can I make the outfit distinct each day and get away with wearing it 7 days in a row?

2. On that note, I also went 5 days without washing my hair. That’s pushing it. I seriously need to invest in some dry shampoo. I could grease a baking sheet the size of Texas with my scalp. Gross.

3. Zumba is a wonderful reminder of why I should be Kegeling, daily.

4. I will be sure to teach my daughter the following things: 1. To kegel, 2. How to write a proper apology letter, 3. To not wear white to another woman’s wedding. Critical life lessons.

5. One of the greatest joys is watching Sunny interact with my parents. And having my parents cook, shop, clean, babysit, diaper change, and keep me company. I don’t know how I’d survive without them.

6. My dogs are so weird. Loveable. But weird.

7. Re: #6: I guess that’s pretty standard if you’re going to be a member of the Cart/Ulmer fam.

8. March is the suckiest month of all. You hear me, March. That’s a challenge. Buck up and give us some warm, sunny days! I don’t care about you and your leprechauns and basketball and spring breaks. GIVE ME SUN! GIVE ME 60 DEGREES!

And that is all. For now.