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Being featured on Apartment Therapy. That was most certainly today’s sunshine.


Don’t tell me that “they’re just plain ugly and somebody gotta say it.” You don’t gotta say shit. And let’s use some proper grammar if you’re going to insult my style like that! Amen.


My husband and his t-shirt quilt made from old college t-shirts of mine. Y’all, THIS is what love looks like.


For the first time (and most certainly not the last), Sunny found a toy (a stuffed animal monkey to be exact) in a store and threw a shit fit when I tried to put it back on the shelf before leaving… so I bought it for her. Good parenting 101. I mean, the monkey was made out of 100% recycled plastic bottles AND she kept imitating what a monkey says, “Ah ah ah ah!” You try to resist that double whammy of earth-friendly meets ADORABLE!