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How much do I wish that they made glow-in-the-dark, skeleton PJs in my size?!


Tell me that matches and lighters are located in aisle 22 when in fact that aisle is stocked with frozen treats and donuts. It’s not so much the inconvenience of your misdirection, but the restraint I was forced to exercise in the face of those trans fats.


i am totally unprepared in the event of a zombie apocalypse. this is what books by a fellow eph have taught me. now THAT is proper education. good to know hanna and ursa could kick it with the undead.


zombies. i’ve now been convinced by James that we should totes watch “Dawn of the Dead” this evening. THANKS, Carrie Ryan. I will now blame my gripping fear and lack of sleep on you. (I have this horrible habit of misplacing blame.)