Karma is a MotherF@#$

So when I wrote about my purchase of the Diva Cup, apparently that tuned my vagina into the Universe.

Hey, Aunt Flow! Thanks for visiting a week early! It’s so lovely to have you along for the ride as I meet and visit with all these very important people that are in town FOR ONE WEEKEND ONLY, and it’s my job to ya know, meet with them. Thank YOU for that!

Karma is a Motherfuck.

Anyway, I’m 24 hours into my use with the Diva Cup and I will say this:

One must be able to get down with her lady parts. Her feminine flower. Her inner power… oh hell, her Va-jay-jay, in order to get down with the Diva Cup.

Period. End of sentence.

I will dive into more details later – I want to give this baby the full test of the flow before a more thorough report – but it shall be detailed. Oh it shall. And pssssst, I’ll be giving away one Diva Cup to you interested ladies thanks to the Diva Cup team. WOO!

I will say that the Diva Cup is having an interesting impact on my relationship with James:

Me: WHOA! JAMES! Check it out!

<Come out of bathroom and flash James Diva Cup filled with blood>

This shit really works!

James: Are you honestly showing me that right now? HONESTLY?!

Me: WHAT?! You sit to pee sometimes.

James: That is not at ALL the same thing.


James: I’m not even going to get into how NOT feminist that statement just was. Also, I sit to pee to be more MODEST when you INSIST on barging in the bathroom and brushing your teeth when I’m already in there.

Me: You have urine stage fright. You’re an anxious pee-er.

James: Yes, yes I am. And you know this, yet that does not deter you from invading my privacy. ALL. THE. TIME.

Me: Whatever. You’re so unsupportive.

James: Of your menstrual blood?

Me: Next thing I know you’re going to build a Red Tent in the backyard and force me to live there for one week every month. WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU?!

<Storm back into bathroom to dump and reinsert Diva Cup>

So basically, I’m trying to save Mama Earth and some dollars, and James is reliving the book of Genesis.

Fucking men.

Round of applause for Mama and her vagina!