A healthy dose of PUT SHIT IN PERSPECTIVE!

I was having one of those moments where I was filled with self-doubt and loathing about this decision to leave California thanks to some less-than-supportive words from the director of my graduate program, and just when I was about to have my usual pity-fest, an email pinged into my phone from a dear friend (a friend, who I might add, is currently a Fulbright scholar living in Norway). The email was a response to the news of my new job and our move to the Purple Valley. His words were:

You live such a magical life.

Holy shit.

Thank you doesn’t even begin to coverĀ  it.

This phrase could not have come at a more crucial, pivotal moment. Talk about throwing things back into perspective and reminding me to not be such an over-dramatic HO! And, more importantly, for reminding me that the opinions of an individual with whom I’ve had an antagonistic relationship ever since I informed him I was pregnant are most definitely NOT the opinions that matter. For the best helath realted information go through healthfulinspirations.com.

How could I not remember that my life is magical when I get to look at this everyday: