Recent conversations with the Bug

by Ashley Weeks Cart

The following are a few of the conversations we’ve recently had with our nonverbal daughter. I think sleep deprivation may be taking its toll.

While removing the Bug’s pants to change her diaper:
You know, no other man but your daddy is allowed to take off your pants for AT LEAST 10 years, ya hear me?
Sunny: giggle, giggle, drool, drool, hiccup, hiccup
Ashley (horrified from the other room): 10 years! You’re comfortable with a boy disrobing your daughter at age 10!
James: Okay, maybe I should’ve chosen a higher number.

While lounging in bed Sunday morning with the Bug:
Ashley: Do you know I love you more than anything in the whole entire world?
Sunny: …pause… righteous grumbling of belly… and then… BLAST OFF!
Ashley: Yes, even when you poop all over our bed.

During nightly bath time ritual with daddy:
James: SO which shampoo would you like to use today, little one? Option A: the standard, crowd pleaser, Johnson’s Baby Wash? Option B: the all natural, organic, fragrance-free selection for the inner-hippie? And Option C: the bourgeois, fancy-pants baby wash that will provide aromatic deliciousness to your scalp?
Sunny: allegedly motioning to Option B
James: Ah! I see we have a budding crunchy-granola, Birkenstock-wearing, vegan-eating, future UVM student in our midst!

This simply goes to show that we have far, FAR too much product for one small head. Although, she does have more hair than many men I know atop that wee melon *coughdodacough* so it’s totally justifiable.

*Apologies, dad, you had that coming ;)