Blog a la Cart

Month: July, 2009

My DOULA-oblongata

I grew up in a household where the word “modesty” was not in our vocabulary. Our upstairs hallway was lined with nude black and white photographs, and my parents’ bedroom was a gallery of female nude paintings courtesy of my great-grandfather. To say the least, all my more reserved` friends would cringe and walk through the upstairs like a horse with blinders on to avoid confronting these naked figures. I, however, just accepted it as completely normal. I’ve never been shy about discussing my bodily functions, sexuality, etc. thanks to this liberal upbringing where nudity was a common occurrence and it wasn’t unusual to pee with the door swung WIDE open. One would think that this childhood would have prepared me for the joys of pregnancy and childbirth where your body is completely outside your control and you’re constantly required to let all sense of dignity and modesty fly out the window in front of complete strangers. ONE WOULD THINK!

Four weeks after the au natural delivery of my whale-of-a-daughter (9lbs!) with back labor, I’m still horrified by the number of people that bore witness to the most difficult, intense experience of my life. One where I writhed and screamed in pain through each contraction, pooped while pushing, tore as she entered the world, and popped an astounding number of blood vessels in my face during the process… all naked and spread eagle. To say the least, I did not birth gracefully.

To be honest, I can’t imagine that many women DO birth gracefully, but I just wish the entire birthing process and all its lovely little details was something that was talked about more openly. Apparently, most women poop during labor. A heads up would have been appreciated! Apparently, women bleed and pass golf ball sized blood clots for weeks after labor all while rocking a foot of padding between their legs cradled by net underwear. Again, could have used a heads up. And apparently, the first bowel movement after vaginal delivery is a fear-inducing event that requires coaching by my already traumatized husband. Why was there no warning?

Reason I survived natural childbirth

Each and every person is here on this earth because some woman bravely and probably, ungracefully, welcomed him or her into the world. So why is childbirth still such a mystery? Looking back on the experience, I am incredibly grateful for the presence of not only my husband, my partner of almost six years, my little sister, the woman who knows me best in the world, but also my doula (A whatta? Medulla oblongata? It’s okay. That response is tres typique!), an amazingly rational, experienced birth coach who guided me through the terrifying process that is labor and delivery and made it a little less scary and more manageable. I wish every woman knew about the service, support and EDUCATION that a doula could offer her. Hands down, hiring a doula was the best decision I made during my pregnancy, and I would recommend every pregnant woman do likewise. While there were still some surprises on D-day, I know I was far more prepared and educated thanks to her guidance. Bless you, Tracy Hartley!

A fleeting moment of relief. (Thank you, Tracy)

To learn more and for help finding a doula in your area visit, Doulas of North America.

Welcome to Motherhood.

As I sit down to write this, I’m coming off of a rough night with my little one, a night where she decided that she had no intention of resting, sleeping or keeping that deceptively cute mouth shut… for the ENTIRE evening. I’ve come to realize that in my former life, my life pre-mommyhood, every night with an infant would have been described as “rough. How quickly my expectations have changed now that I’m a parent. Before May 18, 2009, any evening that I didn’t receive my standard 8-10 hours of slumber validated a pot of coffee and a free pass to behave like Cruella Deville. I want to turn to that naive former self and scream, “LADY, You have no idea what’s coming!“ A good night now is any evening where I get three to four consecutive hours of sleep before being awoken by violent baby howls demanding a boob, MY boob specifically, to sooth her screams. An even better evening is one where it only takes an hour to rock her back to sleep so I can squeeze in a few more brief hours of shuteye. There are evenings, however, where my bug just wants to party it up from 2am-5am, and sleep is NOT on the agenda. In these instances, I bounce around the house in my milk stained nursing bra (a sad attempt to support my now saggy, leaky, stretch-mark-ridden-boobs), belly bandit (an even more feeble attempt to hide the lingering pregnancy ponch), granny panties (still lined with a pad the size of Texas) and fuzzy slippers, acting as a human rocking chair. I am a vision!

Like so much of new motherhood, I’ve lowered all standards for my personal physique and dignity. At age 26, it’s been challenging to let go of my 20-something body to make way for one rocked my hormones and stuck in a state of perpetual exhaustion, breasts that flow like Niagara and now act as a vending machine, a vagina literally torn apart as my 9 pound plus babe entered the world Sunny Side Up, and an abdominal area that may never recover despite a religious commitment to crunches. What’s been most fascinating about this new life and body is that the transition has been completely free from regret. Do I sometimes feel angry and resentful? Absolutely. And that’s okay. It doesn’t mean I don’t love my child, only that I am human. I wish more mothers would realize this. But the joy and love that has entered my life by the presence of this squirming, pooping, crying little bug is unmatched. My heart aches it is so full, and it is worth every sleepless night, every drooping boob and every ounce of pain it took to welcome her into the world. In just two short months, it’s become more than apparent that motherhood is the most difficult job in the world, but also the most rewarding.

Blog a la Cart

I’m a new mom. Creating a blog. How original.

While I consider blogging to generally be an incredibly self-serving and self-centered endeavor, now that 99% of my day is devoted to a pooping, screaming, drooling, wriggling little bug, I understand the compulsion. This will be my outlet. We are launching with the help of my wife’s SEO reseller business which will make this whole thing worth it I think!

Warning: This blog will be unfocused. I may write about my little munchkin, the love of my life despite all activity that would commonly repel such affections. Or my wacky dog and her addiction to crack, and by crack I mean her tennis ball. Or my lil green biz and helping out Mama Earth (read shameless self-promotion. Check out:! It’s the GREATEST WEBSITE EVER! The BEST REUSABLE BAG IN THE WORLD!!! No, but seriously, go buy a bag. The best bag. E-V-E-R). Or my crafting compulsion (OCD medicated by knitting, sewing, needlepointing, etc). Or my obsession with the sun and thus southern california and thus my current place of residence despite my partners’s midwest roots and longing for grey, dreary, rainy, miserable, gloomy days (read life in New England).

Considering my brain went out with the placenta, this will be a lovely attempt at repairing the synapses. Or just some word vomit.
