Objects in photo are more relaxed than they appear

by Ashley Weeks Cart

My OB/GYN described my labor as a “party.” This descriptor aptly suggests the number of people present in the room for said event, however the atmosphere of the room was far from festive. Joyous at the end. Certainly filled with love and support. But a party it was not.


My birth photographer was one of the myriad of people that bore witness to my shrieking, irrational, moaning mess-of a-self as I welcomed my daughter into the world. I know you’re probably rolling your eyes thinking, “A birth photographer? Seriously? You are SOOOOO L.A.!” Trust me when I say that this amazing gift was only made possible thanks to My Doula(Oblangata). Given that less than 10% of births are executed completely sans medication, my birth photographer’s portfolio included mainly medicated labor experiences. In order to expand her portfolio, and because doulas reduce the need for pain medication by 28% and a C-section by 25%, she offered her services free of charge to me in order to document an active, pain-filled, epidural-less birth. For the first half of the twelve hour period of active labor, I was indeed moving and grooving, showering, hanging on the birth ball, slow danSing with my hubs, even executing choreographed danSe moves with my little sister who was also present in the room.

Then it got far too intense and I began screaming for relief. I even used my code word. This magical word was my “Get Out of Jail” free card, the indicator for my doula that I needed pain-meds and NOW! I began screaming said word: LEMONS! LEMONS! LEMONS! (sounding like a citrus-crazed hyena). And my poor sister, unaware of what this term indicated, began panicking and questioning whether or not she could find me the citrus I desired in the hospital cafeteria. Fortunately, Tracy, My Doula(oblangata), knowing that I was at the most vulnerable point in the process, calmly and reassuringly talked me down and fast forward six hours later (because to be honest, I prefer not to relive those horrendous six hours of pain), my beautiful babe arrived with me feeling every inch of her welcome. RIP! Was it worth it? Absolutely. I felt like I could move mountains. Especially when I was up walking to the bathroom and urinating, BY MYSELF, only two hours later. After that rough a ride, I would have expected myself to be bed ridden… for life.

Anyway, BIRTH PHOTOGRAPHER, right, the essence of this post. She captured the experience in beautiful, still, black and white photos that make the whole thing seem like a dream. Like a peaceful, magical process. Lies, I tell you.

But I am dang glad to have the documentation. I weep like a wee babe myself every time I look at the images. And to top it all off, she put together a slideshow, complete with a tug-at-the-heartstrings soundtrack that brings a lump to the throat of even the coldest soul. And makes me even consider going through the process again, because LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL! HOW MAGICAL! HOW FREE FROM PAIN! Delusions delusions delusions.

If you live in the So’Cal area and are interested in such faulty albeit gorgeous documentation of your L&D, I highly recommend Shoots & Giggles. And in the meantime, I’m going to go have a good cry as I post my favorites from the day (note: my favorites are not of me in active labor <FLASHBACK TO PAIN>… but you can certainly see ’em in the slideshow).