Currently Reading

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Thank you, Meg, for putting this on my radar:

The problem is also that under current social, economic, and cultural conditions, no matter what one chooses, there will be costs:  for stay at home mothers, increased economic vulnerability and dependence on their spouses, which can decrease their exit options and thus their power in their marriages; for working mothers, the high costs of quality child care and difficulty keeping up at work with those who either have no children or have spouses at home taking care of them, which exacerbates the wage gap and keeps the glass ceiling in place.

In the heart of commencement season, this piece strikes a cord. This young woman was wise beyond her (too few) years:

This scares me. More than finding the right job or city or spouse – I’m scared of losing this web we’re in. This elusive, indefinable, opposite of loneliness. This feeling I feel right now.

Fellow Eph and pal on The Brash Hypocricy of Lanny Davis:

Anyway, I was content with my little joke, a glancing arrow shot lamely at the giant beast that is Washington’s disgusting culture. And I moved on. But then, yesterday afternoon, Lanny Davis tweeted a response.