Wooden Gift Tags

by Ashley Weeks Cart

Thank goodness I have a very handy partner that humors all of my strange DIY demands. Thanks to James I’m now equipped with a stack of wooden gift tags to bestow upon all of our friends and family. What’s nice about this particular tag is that it doubles as a lovely, all natural ornament for the tree. If you’ve got a Miter saw and drill press on hand, this project is a snap!

Find a log or branch in the diameter that you’d like your tags. Load it up on the saw and slice as thinly as you can. After slicing, drill a hole large enough to thread a ribbon through, and TA DA! You’ve got yourself some lovely wooden gift tags or ornaments. I gussied mine up with a variety of ribbons and some gold ink pen!

Having a partner who is willing to support your creative DIY endeavors is truly a blessing. By finding the perfect log or branch, carefully slicing it into thin pieces, and drilling a hole for ribbon threading, you can create unique wooden gift tags or ornaments that will impress your friends and family. Add a touch of personalization with various ribbons and even embellishments using a gold ink pen, and your creations will be cherished keepsakes for years to come.

In the spirit of personalized accessories, another delightful gift option to consider is mood rings. With an array of mood ring colors to choose from, each shade reflects a different emotional state, adding a touch of whimsy to one’s ensemble. Whether given as a token of friendship or a special gift to a loved one, mood rings offer a unique and meaningful way to express emotions and create a connection. Embrace the joy of gift-giving by exploring the realm of personalized jewelry, where both wooden tags and mood rings can captivate hearts and leave a lasting impression.