Having a brand spanking new iMac is fun, almost as much fun as having a brand spanking new domain name. (READ: TIME SUCK)

by Ashley Weeks Cart

I literally do not know what to do with myself.

James and I figured that since we were dropping a hefty sum on our move across the country, why not tack a brand new washer and dryer and a brand new 27″ iMac to the bill.

Drop. In. The. Bucket.

We are SO fiscally wise. Or something. If my father-in-law is reading this, I am so so sorry for what I have done to your son. And yes, we have contributed to our IRAs for this tax year.

ANYWAY, I have been literally swooning, and embracing, and French Kissing our new washer and dryer. You see, I LOVE – as in L-O-V-E-S – doing laundry. It gets me hotter than Jacob Black. No joke. So to have two beautiful, elegant, BRAND NEW machines in my possession is not only a novelty, it is like my dream come true . (Sorry, James. It would appear I lied about our wedding day). I think laundry may be going in this house round the clock because CLEARLY every article of clothing, every couch cushion, pillow cover, blanket, towel, window curtain, shoe, puppy, hammer (yeah, it’s loud up in hur) must give the wash cycle a spin. The machines even make a cheery, sing-songy tune when they are complete with their cycles – as though to highlight the joyous, high spirits that I experience when engaging in such tasks.

And THEN, to have this epic data processing wonder – a wonder in which I never have to wait more than the blink of an eye for the machine to boot up, where SPINNING COLOR WHEEL OF DEATH is but a fantasy, where Photoshop takes mere moments to load – I mean, I just, HOLY HELL! I have removed the noose ’round my neck that was inspired by my dinosaur of a MacBook from the Mesozoic Period (i.e. 2005) and feel like I can breath again – and by breath I mean actually accomplish tasks at an efficient rate and find new and glorious ways to waste my time (HELLO NEW DOMAIN FOR BLOG A LA CART!).

Now I can put to use all the wonderful media goodies that this domain and site have to offer without growing senile attempting to edit photographs and cut movies.


Here’s a clip of me and the Bug demonstrating her instinctual response to the presence of another’s tongue – and her love of the word YES! And by love, I mean confusion. Or revolt. Or, I thought this whole rebellion thing wasn’t supposed to commence til the tween years.

The hell?!